Friday, June 13, 2008

Thing #4: Register my Blog

I guess I'm official now. Let's get ready to blog away! I can't wait to check out Flickr.


Mimi's Moments said...

It gets easier and more fun as you go through all of the "things." Enjoy it. I was wondering from your blog name if you have birds. I have a couple of parrots and was curious.

VWB said...

please email me

Dyslexic Mystery Lover said...

Hi there! The only birds I have are the ones that visit my feeders on my balcony. I am so fascinated by all birds. How long have you had your parrots?

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I have birds in my library. I've often wondered if other people have library pets.

Anonymous said...

Hey there BGN! You are INDEED on a roll here...I have total faith in you! TL